Looking for an Honest Dentist.
A while back I went to a dental office without having current dental insurance. My dental insurance I had in the past canceled when I changed jobs. Any way I figure I just going in for a cleaning since my last visit was just a little over six months ago and my teeth were perfect with no signs of cavities or any gum issues. I did go to a new dentist since the dentist I was seeing is too costly without having any dental insurance. I was told that not only did I have three cavities but I needed to have a root cancel done.
Impossible! I said how can that be? She showed me X-rays and started pointing spots that meant nothing to me. If I had all the dental work they wanted me to have done the cost would be over $600.00 a far cry from the $65.00 new patients X-rays and cleaning I came in for. I choose not to have the additional work done and to just get the cleaning as advertises. Well little to say after I told them no to the additional dental work I got the fastest dental cleaning I ever had in my life.
Upset thinking what is going on I went back to my old dentist and paid $200.00 for X-rays and a cleaning. However my old dentist told me that my teeth are fine nothing is wrong with them. I have no cavities and no need for any root canal work.
I would like to know if all low cost dental offices play this bait and switch game with you? I feel either way I go I am going to get over charged for my dental care. I like my old dentist and he seem honest with what is needed, but his costs are so high I can not afford to see him.
Therefore I feel I am left with either a dentist that says I need more work then I really do in order to get more money out of me, or I have to go to high cost dentist to avoid that but still pay the higher cost for dental care which I can not afford. Where can I find an affordable honest dentist.