Dental Insurance Kids – Dental Insurance For My Two Boys.
I am a signal mom with two minor boys living in California. I do not have dental insurance though my job so I have to buy something for just my boys. Family plans are just to costly right now for me so could I have just my two son on a plan by themselves?
Answer: There are very few insurance companies that will write a plan on a minor only and when they do you have to buy two plan one for each child which at that point would normally be more costly then just buying a family plan. My suggestion is to review our dental HMO insurance options we provide in California though California dental and Delta Dental. Both options are low cost and run as high as $40.00 a month for a family and a low as $17.00. You can see the cost for HMO dental insurance plan will normally fit into most peoples budgets.
Please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 if you should have any questions about any of our dental insurance plan options available in California.