Children dental Insurance, Is there dental insurnce just for children
I have three boys and I do not get dental insurance though my job but need to get my boys dental insurnce. Do I have to get a family plan that includes my X-wife? Or can I just get a family plan with only my boys since they are the ones I have to get insurance for? I am not being petty but I just see no point and getting dental insurance for my X if I do no have to.
Tuesday, Sep. 7th 2010 9:24 AM at 9:24 am
I can understand where you are coming from however even though there may be some insurance plans that will let one minor be on a single plan, Most insurance plans will not let three minors be on a family plan without an adult.
Tuesday, Sep. 7th 2010 9:25 AM at 9:25 am
If you are getting a dental discount plan that should not be a problem but I do not think you can have three minors on an dental insurance by themselves without an adult listed as head of house hold.
Tuesday, Sep. 7th 2010 9:26 AM at 9:26 am
So whats the big deal just add yourself to the plan you will have your son on. If you do not have to use it but that way you can have you sons on the insurance plan and not list the X wife