Dental care for Kids teeth, Concerns about tooth extraction.
Dental care for Kids teeth, Concerns about tooth extraction. I have some worries about my son wisdom teeth being removed. He will be having his wisdom teeth remove in the being of next month. He will be put to sleep during the process but since I never had my wisdom teeth pulled I am not sure what to expect. Well he be in a great deal of pain? What should I have on hand afterwords and what is the after for wisdom teeth extractions. Advise please.
Tuesday, Apr. 12th 2011 10:56 AM at 10:56 am
Try not to stress over it too much. I know it is hard a parent but your son can pick up on your worries and make having the teeth pulled more stressful for him.
After care is simple. Have soft food on hand that does not require to much chewing for a day or two that will be want he will want to have. Pain varies depending on the person in question but expect that he may have some pay for a few days until he heals up. Nothing that an over the counter Advil or should not be able to help. However if it is bad then the dentist may give you pain killers.
Make sure he follows the dentist after care instructions and he will be fine.