Family dental care dental insurance plan in Texas.
Family dental care dental insurance plan in Texas. I have a family of five three kids plus my wife. We all have been lucky so far to have very healthy teeth. However just having five people see the dentist twice a year for our check ups and cleanings is getting to be a major cost issue for us.
My wife suggested that we try and find an affordable dental insurance plan for our family that can offer free preventive dental care. I see you have many dental plan options can you advise which is insurance and which dental plan would be the best. Looking to keep our cost low. Thanks
Monday, Apr. 18th 2011 9:04 AM at 9:04 am
Since you stated you want insurance and not a seemly not a dental discount plans but you do want to be able to keep the plan cost low I would suggest reviewing either out SafeGuard or the Delta Dental HMO dental insurance plans.
They are both low cost dental insurance plans that will help you save money off your family dental needs without waiting periods or yearly maxim limitations.