A Lollipop a day may Help Reduce Tooth Decay.
A recent study shows that sugar free lollipops may help reduce tooth decay. Lollipops will not replace your daily dental care of brushing and flossing as well as seeing your dentist at least twice a year. However it may be another way to help fight tooth decay.
According to a recent study put out by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, it showing that sugar-free lollipops that contains licorice root extract significantly reduced the bacteria that causes tooth decay. The study was done on 66 preschool students ages 2 to 5 enrolled in the Greater Lansing Area Head Start Program. Each student received a lollipop for 10 minutes twice daily for three weeks.
The Results of this study showed a significant reduction in Streptococcus mutants, (which is the primary bacteria responsible for tooth decay) During the three-week period when the lollipops were being used and lasting for an additional 22 days before beginning to rebound.