Dental Insurance Kids, Tooth Extraction
Question: I have a molar that has need to be pulled out because it is decayed and chipped but I will have to wait four years before I can get a dental implant. Is there anything I can do instead of getting it pulled?
Answer: I am not sure why you would need to wait four years to get an implant unless it is about cost and it will take you that long to save for the money. Either way though, it is very risky to leave such a tooth in your mouth. Since you stated that the tooth has started to decayed, doing nothing will only make the decay worse.
If you are not in pain now it will not take long before you will be. Also it can lead to an abscess which is an infection. Any infection is not good but in your mouth it can quickly cause other larger health issues if not treated ASAP. You can pull the tooth and deal with having a gap. Or you can pull the tooth and talk to your dentist about other non implant options until you can afford it latter on.
Please think twice about doing nothing for four years the issue will only get worse and more costly.