Kids Dental Insurance, On Cleaning Your Retainer
You want to clean your retainer, by gently brushing with a soft-bristled brush, every time you brush your teeth. Note: A more extensive cleaning should be done at least once a week.
Here are some signs that your need to clean your retainer:
* The retainer smells or tastes bad
* There is a film on the retainer
* The retainer looks cloudy
* It has been more than a week since it was cleaned
* There are white spots on the retainer.
* Another sign that a retainer needs cleaning is it keeps breaking or cracking. Just as bacteria can damage the teeth, they can also damage a retainer.
Note: If someone suddenly begins getting cavities, tooth sensitivity, or other oral health problems, there may be a problem with their retainer. If this occurs, they should review proper retainer care with their dentist or orthodontist, and ask them to check the retainer fits properly.