Dental Insurance Kids – Low Cost Cosmetic Dental Procedure
Where can I get low cost cosmetic dental procedures
Question: I am missing over seven teeth. I know I am talking about a ton of money to really make my teeth look good again. I talked to my dental insurance company and since most of my needed dental work is cosmetic they will not cover the cosmetic part to be done.
I also called four other dental insurance company only to be told not to start changing dental insurance plans now since they would not cover for missing teeth or cosmetic. I am at loss and although I am not poor I am not rich either and would like to get some low cost cosmetic dental work so I can smile without worrying what people think.
Reply: I would suggest not to cancel out your current dental insurance plan. Many insurance companies do have missing tooth clause. Meaning they will not replace any missing teeth that was not pulled during their policy period.
However you can keep your current dental insurance and use it for what it does cover. Then get a dental discount plan for the cosmetic work your current dental insurance will not cover for anyway.
Dental discount plan do not have a missing tooth clause so you do not have to worry about that and you will get around a 15 – 20 percent off your cosmetic dental services.