Sensitive Teeth – Dental Insurance Kids
What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?
Many people deal with having sensitive teeth on a daily bases. Usually, when eating or drinking something hot, cold, sweet, or acidic. Sensitivity can happen when tooth enamel starts to thin or wear down, exposing the underlying root surface dentin. Receding gums can also expose your tooth dentin, causing tooth sensitivity. There are many reasons why you can wear or thin down your tooth enamel. A few would be drinking Acidic beverages like sodas, Teeth grinding, Brushing with abrasive toothpaste or brushing incorrectly, or overbrushing more than recommended. At the same time, gum disease can cause receding gums. Other ways to expose your tooth dentin would be by a chipped or fractured tooth. With proper dental care, you can avoid sensitive teeth. Talk to your dentist if you currently have sensitive teeth to find the best treatment option.