Dental Insurance Kids on Dental Caries
Question: My five-year-old daughter has dental caries. She currently needs six fillings and a possible baby root canal. I have dental insurance, but I have already maxed out its $1000.00 yearly limit with six more months before it resets. She can not afford to wait six months, and I can not afford the cost of her dental work as it is currently.
Reply: I understand you are concerned about your daughter’s dental health and the cost of her dental work. Finding a solution that meets your immediate needs and is affordable in the long run is essential.
One option is purchasing an HMO dental insurance plan with no waiting periods for the services your daughter needs. This type of plan typically has lower out-of-pocket costs and requires choosing a primary care dentist from a network of providers. This could be a good fit if you do not have a preferred dentist or your current dentist who is outside the plan’s network.
Alternatively, buy another PPO plan with a higher yearly maximum limitation, then $1000.00. However, remember that this may mean you must deal with waiting periods that will not help you with your daughter’s current dental care needs.
Before making any changes, call your current dental insurance plan and see if you can increase the maximum limitation without restarting the plan. This way, you can continue with the same plan and provider you are familiar with while receiving additional coverage for your daughter’s dental needs.
Remember that regular dental checkups and preventative care can help reduce the likelihood of future dental problems and expenses. So, it’s always a good idea to maintain good oral hygiene habits and schedule regular dental visits for yourself and your family.