Thursday, Nov. 25th 2010 9:25 AM
My son is 13 and hates to go to the dentist even for just a cleaning. He thinks that if he brushing three times a day and flosses at night I should leave him alone about going to the dentist since he as yet to get any cavities.
I do not know why he dislike going so much he never had more then a cleaning done. How can I make him see that no matter how often he brushes I am still taking him to the dentist twice a year for his check ups and cleanings.
Sunday, Nov. 14th 2010 9:31 AM
I am being told by my son dentist that he should have two root canal done on back molars that are still baby teeth. On top of that a couse they will need to be crowned. Now he said I can get the cheap silver crown since they are baby teeth.
I like OMG why am I going to spend out over 700.00 doing all this. And that is my cost with my current dental insruance plan. They are only baby teeth and I feel I am being taken by this dentist.
Monday, Nov. 1st 2010 9:48 AM
My son is two and I will be taking him to see the dentist in two weeks. this is his first visit to the dentist to get a check up. I really not sure all of what they will do. Well my son get a cleaning? I am not sure how he will act since he never been to the dentist but I can stay with him right? How long does a check up normally take.
Sunday, Oct. 24th 2010 4:52 PM
I am getting so tired of being taken by dentist. When I first starting going to this one dentist he was charging $95.00 for just a cleaning. There are three of us so you can see when you add X-rays cost once a year it was pricey but I still managed.
Over the coarse of two years since then his cost for mind you use a basic cleaning is up to $125.00 I fed up. I called around only to find out that this seems to be the going rate. One dentist is 98.00 but when you add in that he wants to do X-rays and I would have office charges again we get back up over and above $125.00
Why can there not be cost stops on dental work. It like the keep changing their prices on a whim and I am the one trying to figure out how we are to come up with this kind of money. Any advise on were I can go for low cost dental care for basic need?